The Apartment (1960)

Watched this one based on a friend who has this in his top ten. I don't mind 'old' movies so it was a dive into a Billy Wilder film that I hadn't seen.

The story is of a somewhat hapless loser who works a middle of the road job as a cog in a machine. His uppers use his apartment as a love nest and, in return, they offer up solid performance reviews to help him move up the corporate ladder. I'm the meanwhile, he crushes on the elevator girl. From there, things go a very different direction than I expected.

For a film from the early 60s, it touched on a couple of taboo subjects. One was a surprise and a big theme of the film.

Jack Lemmon does great in the lead role. Seeing this and Glengarry Glen Ross in such a closer period of time made me realize how solid of an actor he is. I have enjoyed him in things over time but he has a good range to his acting. The weird thing in this one was seeing Fred MacMurray as a complete douchebag. For the equivalent of America's Dad, back then, it was a definite change of pace.

Overall, I kinda liked it and kinda didn't. The story was interesting and the acting was solid. I do, however, ALWAYS have issue with womanizing and philandering and the idea that it is OK. However, I will say that it wasn't enough to turn me off from the film.

Yes, I'll recommend this one.
