I've been morbidly curious on this one since I heard about it. I have a fear of heights so I wondered if they could transfer that over to the screen. Yes and no is the answer...
The story follows a trio of rock climbers. When disaster strikes, one of the young ladies goes into a year of mourning, which her friend comes to force her out of. To do so, they plan to climb one of the tallest structures in the United States, a television tower which is over 2,000ft high (two Eiffel Towers). They make it to the top and...well, I'll leave it there.
There were some pretty well done shots which didn't feel like green screen and others that obviously did. It was an odd balance because when it felt natural, I wondered A) how would they get a camera crew up there and B) how far were they really off of the ground? I will say that some of the hokiest scenes were with the birds, though, as they were obviously puppets in most cases.
I think my biggest problem with this one was how stupid the two girls were. They would come up with a potentially winning idea, only to have it fail and they give up on it, even though they still had the resources to try again. That, and to me, it seems like there were multiple solutions to the problem. Another thing I didn't like was that there were these bursts of strength here and there when they are dehydrated and starving. Yes, adrenaline can count for a part of that but the things they were doing required a lot more physical (and even mental) strength.
P.S. Another thing I almost forgot to mention was how the soundtrack doesn't really fit the film. It never increased the intensity or seriousness of the situation and instead felt like another day at the office.
I did like the near-end twist as I didn't see it coming.
Overall, I did have moments where I was looking at the shots thinking 'hell to the no'. The other thing I kept thinking was, "wasn't this already done in Frozen?". Neither of these films are masterpieces, by any means, but they are still entertaining.
I'll recommend this as an average thriller that adds a level of depth if you have a fear of heights, like me.
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