Wizards (1977)

As I mentioned last weekend, I wanted to watch the other big Bakshi film, Wizards, since I watched American Pop recently.

The story is, ummm, good versus evil. Honestly, the story was written and directed by Bakshi and it was so disjointed I never 100% understood what was going on. It was a battle between two wizard brothers, one who lived in the world of magic and one in technology. Then a movie projector plays clips of Hitler and WWII. I'm not going to try to explain it.

I am pretty sure I saw this as a teen but I forgot so much of it I felt like I was watching it for the first time. Bakshi is a horn dog as he loves drawing boobs and nipples.

Overall, this movie was all over the map. I never knew what was going on. The animation was impressive, but that was expected, knowing his stylings. It's just the continuity that I had no clue on.

If you want a visually impressive animated film, watch it. If you want it to make any sense, skip it.
