Willard (1971)

Went retro today with this one. A movie that is as old as I am.

The story focuses on the loser Willard. He gets beat down from everyone and never stands up for himself. (Think George McFly which, ironically, Crispin Glover will play the character of Willard in the remake). When he befriends a rat he names Socrates, things start changing as he feels more confident. Everyday he befriends another rat named Ben who looks out for Willard. When strange things start happening, Willard must use his newfound confidence to take control of his life, with the help of his army of new rat friends.

There is just something fun about the simple nature of the film. No CGI. No talking rats. It's just a guy who needs friends and rats end up filling the void.

In the remake, I really wanted an African Pouched Rat (and still do) as they are massive and cool. In this one, Ben wasn't quite as big, but he was still pretty sizeable. And he had great expressions which worked well in the film.

Overall, it's not Shakespeare but if you like rats, you would probably like this one. Next up will be Ben, the sequel.

Yes, I'll recommend this one for the cheese factor. (See what I did there?)
