The King of Comedy (1982)

I know, I'm a Scorsese fan and I hadn't seen this one. So sue me.

The story centers on Rupert Pupkin, the self-proclaimed "King of Comedy". He obsesses over a late night talk show host, played by Jerry Lewis, to the point where he is more than just a mere annoyance. In his imagination, the two are good friends and Pupkin hears, through misinterpretation, that he will have a spot on the show. From there, things go a little cuckoo.

I enjoyed the film. You can easily see that it was used as reference for Joker. I also got Network vibes from it. There are a few iconic scenes that, even if you haven't seen the film, you've likely heard of before.

Deniro does great as the deluded Pumpkin. He has such an air of confidence about him that even when he is off the rails, you sorta feel for him. You almost want him to succeed as he's so driven.

I wish they would have picked ANY other actress than Sandra Bernhard as I have never been able to stand her. She's the worst and I don't know how she ever got into a film in the first place.

Jerry Lewis was interesting in his role as Jerry Langford, the talk show host. He was pretty deadpan though so it all pretty much rest on Deniro's shoulders.

Overall, I'm glad I finally watched it. That and it was a Scorsese film that was shorter than two hours so that is a miracle in itself!

Yes, I'll recommend this one.
