Good Manners (2017)

I kept putting off buying this one until I heard from my friends if it was good or not. I couldn't wait anymore so I got it on sale this morning and checked it out. It's a Brazilian film. I'm glad I watched it.

The story is about a lady who is hired to be a nanny for a pregnant woman. They end up falling in love. When there is a complication with the delivery, the nanny takes on the role of surrogate mother to the newborn boy. She uses her maternal instincts to take care of him, which has its own problems.

Basically, this film is Let the Right One in with a different twist. They are almost interchangeable which isn't necessarily a bad thing since I love LTROI.

This is really more of a love story than anything else. What a mother will do for her child and all that.

Yes, I'll recommend it. The less spoilers, the better on this one.
