Extra Ordinary (2019)


Sometimes I buy a movie blind because I like an actor. Sadly, it doesn't always pay off and this was one of those.

The movie follows a driving instructor who is also an ex-paranormal investigator. She falls for a guy, whose dead wife is haunting him. Meanwhile, a bad musical artist is attempting to make a deal with the devil to make him rich and famous once again.

Honestly, it doesn't matter. There wasn't a single character I cared about and, sadly, Will Forte had a horrible role that didn't do him any justice.

Overall, I just don't really want to write too much about this one. It isn't often, these days, that I want to turn even bad movies off because I feel I can get through them. This one I wanted to turn off multiple times.

No, don't ever bother with this. It was not just bad, it was extra bad.
