Begin Again (2013)

Finished up the three (so far) music films by John Carney which include Once, Sing Street, and this one.

The story in this one is a record producer finds a musician at a local bar. The thing is, she doesn't care about wealth and fame but wants to make music for the sake of the music. The two join forces and create a unique album on a shoestring budget.

This one stars Kiera Knightley, Mark Ruffalo, Adam Levine, and James Corden. I have to give credit to Knightley as I thought it wasn't her singing the songs but after looking, I found out it was so kudos to her.

One thing I like about these three films is they don't fall into the cliche Hollywood types of films. There is no relying on the actors falling in love, breaking up, and getting back together. Instead, Carney builds a strong relationship that doesn't rely on romantic love. It is a nice change from the same old same old.

The music was decent in the film but I still like Sing Street the most for that. I did like the story a little more in this one than in Once which boosts it up to second. I know the director is working on, gasp, another movie that deals with music so it'll be interesting to see how that one comes out.. There is a bit of falling back on successful methods for him but that's OK as they work for me.

Overall, I enjoyed the film. It worked well. It took me a little longer to get into this one but once they start producing the album, it stepped up quite a bit. The only thing I might change would be the reliance on the Adam Levine story as it could have been removed and had zero impact on the film.

Yes, I'll recommend this.
