American Pop (1981)

I put that I've watched it before as I have vague memories of seeing it as a teenager but not enough to really remember anything. This one was directed by Bakshi who does a lot of the funky animated art from the 80s.

The story follows several generations of men, from World War I to the 70s. From a young Russian refugee to an eventual rock star, each generation has some form of musical talent but also a string of unfortunate circumstances surrounding their lives. Some of them are brought in by their choices but others are because of where they are and who they know.

Like I stated, I do have SOME recollection but not a strong one. However, Bakshi's it's hard to forget Bakshi's art stylings as they are so unique. That and he mixes mediums (which I absolutely remember from the animated Lord of the Rings).

Overall, the story was interesting. It would be interesting to see as a traditional film. I plan on watching Wizards this weekend to see another of his pieces of art.

I'll recommend it but it's not one for everyone. It may be difficult for some people to get past the stylings.
