You've Got Mail (1998)

Since I watched The Shop Around the Corner the other week, I wanted to revisit You've Got Mail. The result?? Just wait and see...

The story is about a rich guy and a middle class woman, both in relationships. Through the power of AOL Mail, they are chatting, apparently from some sort of dating site (?). They have an online flirtation going on, all the while in seemingly healthy relationships. The guy finds out who the woman is and decides to deceive her by pretending he hasn't figured it out. Unhappy in their relationships, because of the E-mails, they break up with their significant others. The guy finally decides to reveal himself and they live happily ever after.


There is a reason I am not a fan of Rom Coms. Most of them use infidelity and deception as the core of getting together in the end. My wife thinks the same thing, that they are schlock. On a different note, I actually used to like this film but now that I look at it from the lying and cheating side of things, I can't see how I ever did. Yes, Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan are a perfect pairing on screen, as seen in Sleepless in Seattle and Joe versus the Volcano. I just can't get past how unhealthy this relationship is.

Overall, I can't rate this highly anymore. If it had just been the last twenty minutes where they are not in a relationship and have a more 'cute' relationship going on, I might give it a pass but even then, he knows they are the online friends yet fails to bring it up until it suits him, making it completely based upon a lie.

No, I will not recommend this one anymore.
