The Shop Around the Corner (1940)

I have seen You've Got Mail but never seen the original so it was time to jump in.

The story is of a department store in Budapest, Hungary (for some unknown reason). The owner is a bit of a hard ass but the story focuses more on his employees. One employee answers as ad in the personals section of the paper and begins a correspondence with a woman that he loves for her mind but who he has never met. Through a coincidence, the young lady shares a common experience.

It's hard not to like Jimmy Stewart. He basically has the same character from It's a Wonderful Life (George). The relationship and how it plays out was interesting because the teasing gets to a level that is bordering on stalking. That and the apparent love between the two characters is based upon a lie.

The other odd thing is that, for a film from 1940, there is an attempted suicide, which seemed like a major no no in film. Romantic comedy with a side of suicide, I guess?

Overall it had some fun elements and good characters but it also has issues based upon today's standards. I remember the relationship between Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan to be far less stalking and more romantic.

I'll still recommend this one though.
