Duets (2000)

I've seen this one several times before but have been wanting to see it again so I bit the bullet and paid full price (which I almost never do) to get it on iTunes.

The story follows several pairs of people who are going to a karaoke contest in Omaha. One is a father and daughter who don't really know each other. Another is a hustler and a taxi cab driver. And the other is a corporate lackey and a convict. Each have very different stories as they travel to the contest.

The cast has been one of the big draws as it stars Andre Braugher, Paul Giamatti, Huey Lewis, Gwenyth Paltrow, and Maria Bello. The most compelling story is the relationship between Giamatti and Braugher and the whole film could have been just about these two and been better but we still got some quality story out of them.

Overall, I'm glad to have bought it yet again. It's not one of those films a lot of folks know about and it's 23-years old now so it'll be harder to find fans

I'll recommend this one with no caveats.
