Whatever Works (2009)

Whoops. I got this one because Larry David was prominent in the trailer and it looked like him being himself. Little did I realize that Woody Allen directed it. It needs to be said, I can count on one finger how many Woody Allen films I enjoyed, and this wasn't that one.

The story is about Larry David, ok, really about an old, intelligent, grump who is disillusioned by humanity as a whole. He takes in a young woman who is down on her luck and they form an unlikely bond as she is pretty much the opposite of him.

That's really about it. One of the reasons I can't stand Woody Allen films is that he is so pretentious. His movies are just useless and meaningless dialogue between inane people. Kevin Smith does a lot of dialogue but at least it goes somewhere. In Allen films, it just drags and drags and drags.

I liked the first fifteen to twenty minutes because it was Larry being Larry. That and Evan Rachel Wood did good in her role as the local ditz. Then the slog begins as we meet her mother and father. From those moments on I kept looking at the clock and waiting for it to end.

Overall I think I have to give some credit for the first twenty minutes but the next hour and ten minutes detract from that.

Got a recommendation I'd say watch the first twenty minutes and then turn it off. Do yourself a favor!
