The Phantom of the Open (2021)

I really didn't know much about this film before buying it. I read the description, since it was on sale, and thought it looked interesting. I'm glad I did.

The story is based on the true life story of Maurice Flitcroft, a dock (crane) worker in the UK in the 1970s. When he gets a TV, he falls in love with golf and decides he wants to join the British Open. Thing is, he's never golfed before but enters anyway and, due to a lack of checking by the Open, he gets in. He then proceeds to have the WORST golf score ever. Thing is, he becomes popular as the "every" man. It goes on from there but the core of the film focuses on this story.

It was a nice, meaningful story about pursuing your dreams. Played by Mark Rylance, who I loved from The Outfit this year, he does a great job of playing a compassionate and relatable character. In real life it sounds like Flitcroft was a similar personality.

I had originally decided to ignore this one as it seemed like it had to do with golf and I'm not a fan of sports movies, in general. This one was more about positivity than about golf, so I enjoyed it.

Yes, I'll definitely recommend this one.
