Tar (2022)

I knew practically nothing about this film until a few days ago. I had heard great things about Blanchett's performance and they weren't kidding. She did amazing.

The story is about (fictional) composer, Lydia Tar, who leads the Berlin Philharmonic. She is a master composer and is renowned for her ability and skill. Her goal is to produce Mahler's 5th Symphony. As things progress, there is a peek behind the curtain as to the politics behind the role. Eventually, things are not turning up roses for the composer.

It did take some time to get the ball rolling on the story. With a 2 1/2 hour run time, it felt like thirty minutes could have been cut out and led to the same conclusion. I understand it was all about front loading the material to make it more satisfying of a conclusion but it felt a bit too long in that regard.

That being said, Blanchett's performance kept things moving forward. This truly is 'her' film as everyone else is almost background scenery. I have nothing but praise for her performance.

Overall, even thought it is fictional, the story was well done and interesting. They could have easily made it about the orchestra and the ultimate buildup to a performance but instead focused more on the power of the media in this day and age. It's also a testament to how the media has the power.

Yes, I'll recommend this one without hesitation.
