Strange World (2022)

This one didn't last long in the theater and popped up on Disney+ within a couple of weeks after the theatrical release so I didn't have high hopes for it. It turned out a little better than expected.

The story is of a father and son who are explorers. The son finds an electric plant that can help his village but the dad takes off to do more exploring. Fast forward twenty-five years and the dad is long gone and the son's plant has made the village thrive. Thing is, the plants are dying and no one knows why. To get to the root of the problem, the son (and now husband and father) and some others go on an adventure to fix the plant. This journey brings them into, get this, a Strange World!

While the story wasn't fantastic, there was a decent twist partway through. It was also a film about father/son relationships save the legacies we leave. It has felt like the Disney animated magic has been more 'generic' as of late.

That being said, visually it was beautiful. There were some really cool and imaginative landscape, creatures, etc. It was visually bright and interesting. The animators should get kudos for the world they brought to life.

Overall, it was better than I expected but it still lacked in the story department. It falls right in the middle of the pack for Disney films for me.

I will recommend it for a family viewing.

P.S. My son gave it a 10/10 and loved it. He plans on watching it again this evening with his friend (during a sleepover).
