Phantom of the Paradise (1974)

Got this one awhile back and decided it was finally time to check it out. I did not realize it was directed by Brian de Palma of Carrie, Scarface, and The Untouchables fame.

The story is a very loose take on the Phantom of the Opera. A composer gets his music taken by a Faustian music producer. In an effort to get revenge, the composer gets marred. The composer sees a protege to sing his cantata. The producer doesn't listen to the demands of the composer. Bad things happen.

I think this one was either written or filmed when de Palma was on drugs. The continuity in the film is all over the place. The music, written by Paul Williams, didn't really fit the story either. Paul Williams played the evil music producer, BTW.

I can see, in 1974, how this may have played out. To make The Phantom of the Opera as a musical was a bold choice not to be replicated for another twelve years when Andrew Lloyd Webber took up the mantle. Also, the casting of Jessica Harper would lead her to a lot of good roles and she's still acting to this day.

I just felt it was a little TOO over the top. It felt like a lower budget Rocky Horror Picture Show. It actually blows my mind that two years later he made the masterpiece, Carrie.

Overall, I get what he was going for but I didn't feel it. It was just kinda meh for me.

As a piece of rock opera history, I'd recommend it for the pop culture recognition. For a film to just sit back and enjoy with no caveats, not so much.
