One Crazy Summer (1986)

For the second of my July in December films I went with One Crazy Summer. I mean, really, who doesn't summer in Nantucket?

This one follows John Cusack as he is looking for love and feels he will never find it. He does so through fun animations of a rhinoceros versus cute bunnies. To help his friend, he and his friends must win a regatta race.

This one had some big names in acting including John Cusack, Demi Moore, and Bobcat Goldthwait, to name a few.

This is another of those 80s films that I've seen a bunch of times and quote with frequency. Goldthwait was let off the leash and pretty much played the same character as Police Academy 2 but he's fun when he does so. This is one of Moore's earlier acting roles as well.

Overall the plot isn't deep and it is a typical 80s comedy. That being said, the formula worked and I grew up with this stuff.

Yes, I'll recommend it with the same caveat as Summer School in that it is the 80s formula which some might not enjoy as much these days.
