Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio (2022)

Finally got a chance to view this one and, amazing, my family watched it with me! I'll preface this review with the understanding that I'm a big Guillermo del Toro fan so my review may be a little skewed.

The story is of Pinocchio and Gepetto, duh! Same idea as always but with a very different take on it.

The stop-motion was pretty amazing. The attention to detail was top notch. I do have a little complaint about the overall film, however, in that it had several musical numbers. They weren't bad, but they'd go so long between them that I'd forget it was a musical. It would have been better as either a full musical or no music at all.

I've always admired del Toro's vivid imagination and it came through here. This isn't the Disney-fied version by any means, which is a good thing. There are some deeper themes in this one and they are not all the Hollywood happy ending versions.

Overall, I enjoyed it. I am not sure if I liked the original Disney one or this one better. They both have good and bad things about them. If this one hadn't been a musical, this one would have won hands down.

Yes, I'll definitely recommend it (and it is my son's favorite version).
