Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery (2022)

I will go into this review saying that I hold a grudge against Rian Jordan for the destruction of the Star Wars film franchise. I'll also say that 85% of the time I can't stand Ed Norton as an actor. That being said...

This is a new film in the Knives Out world. When a billionaire invites a group of his friends to a murder mystery dinner on his private island, things go as one might expect in a murder mystery film. Motives, suspects, etc. It's up to Daniel Craig to solve the mystery.

I liked this one better than Knives Out. Mostly because, in Knives Out, I figured out who did it very early into the film. In this one, they stumped me. I had some suspicion but the suspect I thought it might be was nowhere close to the actual truth. That's a good sign because, in murder mysteries, the forecasting of the killer(s) in film is often very predictable as long as you're paying attention

The acting in this one was decent. I still have a hard time with the emotionless Ed Norton (I think he's only really every stood out in American History X and Primal Fear) but at least he was tolerable. Other than that, everyone played their roles well.

Overall, it was entertaining. The comparison between the Ed Norton character and Elon Musk is clear, especially in recent months. I guess this means I have it give Jordan some credit. (I already do for my favorite episode of Breaking Bad, "Fly").

OK, yes, I'll recommend this one.

P.S. Dang it Noah, you were right and I was wrong. :D
