Emily the Criminal (2022)

I mean, it's got Aubrey Plaza in it, what other reason do I need to watch it? (I can't say that because I hated Life After Beth). Anyhow, NORMALLY I don't need any other reason. HA!

The story is about Emily, a woman working at a food delivery service who has $70,000 in student debt and is desperately trying to break into a career world. Thing is, she has a felony on her record from back when which makes it very difficult. When an opportunity to make some easy money falls into her lap, she goes for it. From there, she is pulled into a pretty seedy criminal group.

I almost went into this review with my immediate reaction but, after thinking about it, I actually liked it better than my initial feedback. The thing about it is that the ending is very satisfying and completely pulls it together. If it hadn't been for the last ten minutes or so, it would have fallen into film obscurity in my brain. Thankfully, it made me think about it and I actually like it.

Plaza did a great job in the role. She had a good emotional range and it showed on screen. She has, thankfully, been able to break out of the role of April Ludgate from Parks and Recreation and stepped into her own.

Overall, the more I think about it, the more I enjoy it. Maybe by the time I look back on this review, I might even boost it to a four...but not yet.

Yes, I'll recommend this one.
