Dirty Work (1998)

Do I need much more reason to watch this one other than the late, great, Norm MacDonald? Well, after seeing it, yeah, I do.

The story follows MacDonald and Artie Lang who play two friends that start a Revenge for Hire business to pay for a heart transplant. In the process they run into problems with an unscrupulous land developer.

The thing is, this one had so much going for it. Bob Saget directed it. There were a ton of great cameos from Chris (and Kevin) Farley, Adam Sandler, Chevy Chase, and even John Goodman.

The problem is, it just fell flat. Jokes weren't landing most of the time and the lack of characters to connect with took its toll. I wanted to like it more but it just didn't work. I won't totally condemn it, however, as there were some funny moments.

Overall I guess I wanted more being that I'm a big Norm fan. He was unique and his death was one that made me sad. I just wish there was more cohesion to this film.

I'll barely recommend this one as there was just enough comedy in it that I'll likely quote some things in the future. However, if you're not a fan of MacDonald, you will likely want to skip this one.
