Crimson Peak (2015)

One of the few Guillermo del Toro films I haven't seen. I always love the imagination from him so I had to check it out.

The story is of a brother and sister from England who come to the United States to find funding for an excavation machine. In the process the brother woos the daughter of a wealthy investor. After their marriage, they return to England to a remote mansion that is run down. From there, visions of ghosts haunt the wife and more and more truths are revealed.

As per usual, GdT's imagination is let loose. In this case, it's used as a combination of both the ghosts, which are seen infrequently but are always present, but more so in the mansion itself. The creative team that put it together made one helluva creepy locale. The costumers also did a great job.

The story was decent. It wasn't great and was a little predictable, but it was executed well. The three main actors did a good job. There was some suspension of disbelief in regards to later parts of the story but really, it's about ghosts so this had to be the case anyhow.

Overall, it was a decent ghost story. I'm not usually one that likes them too much, as I don't believe in ghosts. There are cases, however, where I enjoy them and this was one of them. (It made me want to rewatch The House on Haunted Hill on Netflix again).

Yes, I'll recommend it.

P.S. I've never seen clay with that consistency before. Is that a thing?
