Alligator (1980)

Decided to jump in on this one this morning since I woke up early. It was one of those 80s oversized animal films that I somehow missed.

The story is about the whole idea of flushing a baby alligator down the toilet and what happens years later. In this case, twelve years have passed and there is now a hidden menace in the sewers which a detective and herpetologist must find and stop. There is more to the alligator than meets the eye as a local drug testing lab is a reason it has grown to a tremendous size.

It stars Robert Forster and, in this case, he's not a vacuum repair salesman. He does, however, have male pattern baldness and the movie never lets you forget it! I don't know which is worse in this film, the killer alligator or the baldness!

There was some cheese to this one, as many 80s films had, but it was kinda fun as well. The biggest thing is that they were inconsistent with the giant alligator and a regular one walking around like Godzilla. I have more fun with alligator and crocodile movies than I do with sharks so this was a fun one for me. One thing that always cracks me up is how complicit the people getting eaten are. It's like, "oh well, I'm being eaten, I guess this is it," yet many could just walk away.

Overall it was fun enough to say I enjoyed it for what it was. There was enough of the Alligator to keep it interesting.

I'll recommend it for a fun trip down memory lane but not as any serious horror / thriller film.
