The story follows Ralph, who is now a husband, father, and failed writer. On a planned trip to visit his parents, he ends up being responsible for the family Christmas. It's the challenge to keep up with the high esteem he has for the Christmas's his father provided. Along the way he connects with old friends.
I understand that nostalgia is a big thing with Hollywood, especially since it doesn't have a creative idea in its head anymore. On some levels it works, on some it doesn't. It was enough to draw me in as I love the original so much but that doesn't mean it is any good.
There are some moments that are heartfelt. Sadly, the new material is jut a carbon copy of the old material. So much so that in the credits they show the old shots with the new and it's not original. They try to tug on the heartstrings but it just falls flat.
Another thing is that the voice overs are overused. Yes, they were a big part of the original but there are periods of ten minutes where it seems like the voiceover is the only thing used.
Now, as an overall film, it's not bad. It's also not great. It's just kinda there. It's a one-and-done for me. I'd much rather go back and watch the original, like I do every year. That being said, there were some cute moments in here, enough so that it is worthy of a viewing.
I will recommend it, but half-heartedly.
P.S. The trailer gives away almost all of the good scenes.
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