The story is based on a true one of a New York guy who decides that the best way to support his neighborhood friends in Vietnam, during the conflict, was too bring them beer from home. As a civilian, this was a challenge but once his mind was made up about it, her decided to follow through. The film showed how perception of fighting and the reality if it were very different.
Zac Efron did a great job as the main character. That's now a couple of films in a row that I enjoyed his performances. Even his accent wasn't it of place which is something that drives me crazy when an actor can't nail an accent.
I've studied Vietnam fairly heavily, in my college years, so it was interesting to see this film come to life in a way that it wasn't your typical war formula. It did a good job of really digging in to perception and the politics behind the United States being there. There seemed to be a turning point from where it was about a friend supporting his friends to one about the truths about fighting.
Overall this was a really good one. I enjoyed it and never once was bored. I like the message and it made it one of my tops for the year.
Yes, I'll definitely recommend this one, no strings attached.
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