The story is that the zombie apocalypse has occurred. A military base is focusing on a cure which is tied directly to children born to women who had been infected (very slight spoiler). These children have intelligence and can think for themselves yet they still have the need to devour flesh. The story centers on one of these children, her teacher, a scientist, and a few soldiers.
This was a BBC produced film so it was shot in future London. One of the reasons I was on board, before I even watched, is because Glenn Close signed on. If she signs on there is likely something to the script that made it different as I very seriously doubt she would sign on to a standard zombie film.
The big thing going for this film is how it ended. There was a change to the standard formula which actually worked really well. I thought it was very clever and worthy of recognizing how it was not the same old, same old we've seen a hundred times already.
Overall I enjoyed it. It kept my interest and, aside from a few small missteps in some choices by characters, it was entertaining. I can harp on the recognition that it change things up but without spoilers it is just up to you to follow through and see why.
Yes, I'll recommend this one.
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