This one show a ten-year later scenario focusing on five individuals who have lied and keep their secrets. Jigsaw appears to be back, even though he's been long dead. Once again, detectives are on the case and trying to figure out what is going on. People die.
The thing this one had going for it is that it was a somewhat fresh take. It didn't rely so much on previous lore which is where the Saw franchise had kinda shot itself in the foot by the seventh film. There is a good thing about keeping a flowing story but I don't know if it can be done with a horror film franchise. Thankfully, this one didn't wipe out the lore, but it changed to a brand new look.
There was a moment in the film that I was surprised by. I was not expecting it at all and that is a good thing. It also didn't focus so entirely on the gore but instead on the characters. Of course, I do have a big complaint in that they could have gotten away really easily but chose not to (which is one of the things about the Saw murders).
One of the reasons I like this one so much is that they brought the freakin' rules back! It is such a crucial component of the franchise and without the rules it just becomes murder for murder's sake.
Yes, I'll go back to recommending this one and I look forward to the 10th installment in the near future. (I still have to watch Spiral tomorrow).
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