The story is kinda all over the place so it's hard to give an overview without giving out points away. It centers mostly in a criminal, Brad Pitt, who takes on a replacement job for another criminal who calls in sick. The majority of the film takes place on a fancy Japanese Bullet Train.
Now, while I did enjoy it, I didn't quite love it as much as I'd have hoped. The thing is, it almost feels like three different films. The first third is like a wannabe Guy Ritchie film. It's got the quirky characters and similar elements of storytelling. Then the middle just kinda...stops...for a good twenty minutes. Then the third act tries to be Kill Bill but doesn't really stick the landing.
There were stand outs, for sure. The duo of Lemon and Tangerine were great. They stole the show. This is saying a lot when you have your lead as Brad Pitt. He had a fun character and I got some good belly laughs out of him. Other than that almost all of the other characters are interchangeable.
There was a 'twist' to the story but I figured it out very early on so when it happened it was like "Was that supposed to be a secret!?"
There was also a fun little recognition of an object which makes me want to go can and watch the film again so I can pay more attention to the scenes with it
Overall it was a slightly above average film for me. It has its moments, for sure, she there were those laughs I mentioned. It could have been so much better though, if the story gelled. The split, however, had me looking at the clock at about mid -movie even I thought it was almost over.
I will recommend it. It was fun enough that I got some good enjoyment out of it.
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