Morbius (2022)

I'm striking out on movies this week. I had one good one and three bad ones and this one takes the cake on the bad ones. I don't normally go in right away and bash but this one, P.U., what a stinker. I had an idea that it would be but I had to see for myself as other have gotten it wrong before (i.e. I kinda liked The New Mutants even though it got raked across the. coals).

This one follows the story of Dr. Morbius who has a rare blood disorder but is really smart and is trying to find a cure. For some reason he gets a nobel peace prize for a synthetic blood but turns down the reward for some reason. Anyhow, this one is about him finding a 'cure' which basically turns him into a vampire, in the loosest sense.

I will give a little credit to the animators as they did a decent job with some of the special effects but that doesn't make up for the horrible story, lack of direction, etc. that the film had. It was all over the place. There are two detectives who are completely inept. There is a co-doctor who check marks the woman and hispanic boxes on the need for diversity. There is Matt Smith, of all people, who fulfills the role of best friend turned evil enemy. Even he can't save the film which is a bad sign.

The characters are unlikeable. The story is ill-conceived. The character motivations are confusing. And, oh yeah, apparently Morbius can use sound waves to fly?

They try to make this relevant by adding two post-credit scenes but they don't make any sense either.

No, I certainly won't recommend this one unless you want to watch a train wreck and was an hour and forty-five minutes of your life.
