Resident Evil (2002)

Going back to the beginning again since it's been awhile. I know I haven't seen one or two of the movies in this franchise, as well, so I am going to go through the run. It doesn't take much to motivate me when Milla Jovovich is the star. The bonus on this one is that it had Michelle Rodriguez, another favorite of mine.

This series catches grief because it's not really in line with the video game series. I say, much like the Netflix series, it doesn't really matter. Yes, it's got the name and some familiar creatures, but it doesn't need to be overly complicated, especially right out of the gate. Instead it pretty much just jumps right into the action and doesn't let up.

The core of this one is that the T-Virus gets released, purposefully, inside the Raccoon City labs called The Hive, which is controlled by an Artificial Intelligence character named the Red Queen. To prevent the spread outside of the underground lab, the Red Queen starts killing off every human in the lab. A group of commandos go in to stop the queen without realizing the full extent of the effect of the T-Virus.

For practical and special effects it's a kinda crude film, especially when it gets to the CGI. Of course, one of Paul W.S. Anderson's other films was Mortal Kombat which had equally bad CGI and it was 2002 that this was made so it didn't quite mesh as well as some of it does twenty years later. The licker is a prime example of this as it is completely obvious it is CGI. The practical effects on the zombies aren't horrible but, once again, we've come a long way since then and it's more than just folks running around with rubber prosthetics. I will give kudos to the special effects team on the Dobermans, however, as they carried over the 'creep' factor from the video games.

If you're looking for great depth in story, you won't find it here. However, this film ended up becoming a six-part series so it had to have something. (I stand by my assertion that it was Milla Jovovich). Oh, and speaking of Jovovich, I want to give kudos to the costume designer for this film as they are my favorite people in Hollywood. ;)

Is it Shakespeare? Obviously not. Is it a fun, brainless romp? Sure thing. If you want a popcorn flick to pass the time, I will recommend it. If you're looking for philosophy, skip it.
