Black Bird Series Review

I can't believe I didn't put up a review for the Apple TV+ series, Black Bird! This was one of those shows that, while it is only a season, was easily on par with some of the best out there. One of the things about this series is that it was based on real-life events and the guys it was based upon, Larry Hall and Jimmy Keane, are still around.

The show focuses on the capture and incarceration of Larry Hall, a serial killer who has killed at least sixteen young ladies. (In the show I believe they said twenty). The thing is, they only ever found two of the bodies. To figure out where the rest of the bodies are, the FBI sends in Jimmy Keane, a drug magnate who is captured and sent to prison. Keane is offered the chance of a lifetime to go in and befriend Hall to find out where the other bodies are located. In return, the FBI will grant him a full pardon, rather than the ten years he is sentenced to.

The brilliance of this show really lies with Paul Walter Hauser who plays Larry Hall. His performance is easily Emmy-worthy and he has this creep factor that just gives you the willies. It's a mixture of his voice and the way he uses his eyes to emote. Looking at pictures of the real Larry Hall, you can see some of the same features. Taron Egerton plays Jimmy Keane and also does a good job in the role but it's all about Hauser as he plays it so perfectly that it's hard to take your eyes off of him when he's on screen. It's funny to think that he is such an amazing actor here but so cheese whiz in Cobra Kai! Greg Kinnear is also in it, as the guy who originally figures out that Hall is a serial killer, but he is kinda kept on the sidelines overall.

There really isn't a lot I can say without giving spoilers. The journey that Keane has to go through in the high-security prison is intense. I wish they would have played out more with him and the mob boss but the story really focuses on Hall so they kept it tight. I am usually not into these types of shows as they are so 'confined', but this one was a mind screw. It reminded me of the great Netflix series (which was canceled far too soon), Mindhunters. Getting into the mind of a serial killer shows how sick some of these folks are.

Yes, I'll definitely recommend this short series. I'll also say that if Hauser doesn't get an Emmy for this, I'll be very disappointed.
