Jerry and Marge Go Large (2022)

Today's movie of the day = Jerry and Marge Go Large. This one is on Paramount+ and stars Bryan Cranston and Annette Benning. It's also based on a true story.

I enjoyed it. It was more than what I thought it would be. It tells the story but it is also heartwarming at the same time.

The story is about a couple in Michigan. The husband is a math genius like John Nash. He is basically forced into retirement after being with a company for years and years. Retirement is boring to him and they have just enough money to scrape by. He finds a pattern to a small lottery program which, when you invest large, you'll always geta return. The rest of the film is about the process, his wife, his friends, and the small town he's from.

There was more to it than this but I'll avoid spoilers, as always. The film did a good job showing how one person can do good for a community. It was not what I expected.

Oh, fun side note, it starred Bryan Cranston (Walter White) and Michael McKean (Chuck McGill) so there was that fun connection.

Yes, I'll recommend this one. It was interesting and heartwarming (like I've already stated a couple of times).
