Inglorious Basterds (2009)

Today's movie of the day = Inglorious Basterds. (And yes, it drives me crazy that Bastards is spelled wrong, especially since my phone now thinks it is the correct spelling!). This is the next in my Tarantino marathon.

This is also my favorite of his. It's one of the reasons I wanted to start this marathon at all as it made me appreciate Tarantino's style all the more. The pacing and structure of this one work so well together that it makes for a great story. Usually a 2 1/2 hour film can drag but this one fits the runtime perfectly.

Now I will preface this by saying that yes, I know it is historically inaccurate and there was no Operation Kino. But the big thing is, I don't care. I consider this a Tarantino multiverse film. I'm another reality this 'could' have been and would have made for a much more satisfying conclusion to World War II.

The film follows two different storylines that will eventually merge into a common goal. One is the Inglorious Basterds who are a group of American Jews who go to Germany to kill and scalp Nazis. The other focuses on Shoshanna, a young French Jewish lady who has her family killed by a German Colonel. This is really what you need to know going into the film.

Over the years I've come to realize that Brad Pitt is one of my favorite actors. He has a wide range and is so charismatic in his roles that it's hard not to like his acting. He does great as Lt. Aldo Raine in this one. The other stand out to me was Christoph Waltz who played Col. Hans Landa. He is cold and calculating but plays the character so well he gives the viewer the creeps. Melanie Laurent is also pretty great as Shoshanna and steals the scenes she is in.

I've already praised it but yes, I'm a fan of this one. The alternative to events of the War was engaging and the payoff was high. The last scene was perfect. This is one of those that Tarantino was definitely on his game. (As well as the next one with Django Unchained).

Yes, I'll definitely recommend this one. It moved up my list of favorites in this second viewing.
