Grindhouse: Death Proof (2007)

Today's movie of the day = Grindhouse: Death Proof. Another Tarantino film in my marathon.

I was making the comment to my movie fan chat group that when Tarantino is on his hand, he's fantastic but when he's not, he's not good. This was one of those 'not good' ones.

To me, this movie could have been edited down to fifteen minutes and been as interesting as the entire hour and forty minutes it was. 90% of the film was useless dialogue. It kept dragging and dragging and dragging. A few minutes were spent on if three of the girls wanted to pitch in to buy a copy of Italian Vogue, for crying out loud!

The other thing is that it was meant to be Grindhouse-style, which it starts out as, but then it seems like Tarantino just forgot this fact and did his own thing. I liked the quirkiness of the Grindhouse look but it just got dropped about halfway through.

The story, what little there is, is about a psychopathic stunt driver with a stunt car. He wants to kill girls using his car. His motive is never really explained.

I don't mind good dialogue, whether it be philosophical or pushes the plot forward. Neither of these are the case in this film, it was talking for the sake of talking.

I will give credit to the stunt lady as she was crazy! But that's about the only good thing about this one.

No, I will not recommend this one.
