Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

I finally finished it up and all of the Downloadable Content since I got the Game of the Year edition.

It was decent but it was also very long. I originally started this one up as it was meant to be a quick and easy game. I was wrong on both counts, mostly.

What I didn't realize, when playing through, was that two of the DLCs were just integrated into the game at any time. I didn't know this so when I went to those areas things seemed insanely difficult so I lowered the game difficulty. Even then they were hard. The thing is, I got good weapons and armor from them which completely unbalanced the rest of the game. The core game, after that, was far too easy.

My other thing is the sheer amount of dialogue and reading. I'm not one who looks deep into the lore of a game so the literal hundreds of documents in the game were of no interest to me. Heck, the thousands of lines of dialogue I'd find myself speed reading so I could get back to the game.

I don't quite think it really knew what it wanted to do with the combat system. Turn-based was too slow but real-time was too ganky. I found myself getting so irritated when my team members got in my way. (They would also do this so much it was sometimes hard to see the puzzles!)

You also have a choice of about seven characters to play from but I kept my original three for the majority of the game until I was forced to change one and then forced again in the last DLC. I didn't like being forced to do so after playing these characters for so long.

Overall the game just dragged. I liked the older Dragon Age game much better! But, thankfully, it was only $10 for the GOTY one so I guess I got my money's worth.
