The Losers (2010)

Yesterday's film of the day = The Losers. This one had a pretty solid cast before many of them went on to bigger things.

After seeing the short animated film the other day, I remembered I had this film but hadn't seen it yet. It was a fun little retro (2010) film from Vertigo DC (which means I need to add it to my live-action DC list).

The story focuses on a bunch of military misfits who are supposed to be killed but survive. They have to figure out who ordered their execution and get their revenge. It's a pretty typical story for the 1990s but was made twenty years later.

There were some fun parts about the film. Chris Evans had a fun role which is far more light-hearted tab Captain America would be. Zoe Saldana was 🔥🔥🔥 in this one.

Overall it was a fun ride. Was it a deep story with overly compelling characters? No. Was there a stupid twist that came out of right field? Yes. Is it worth watching?

Yes, I'll recommend it for the popcorn factor.
