The Gift (2000)

Today's first movie of the day = The Gift (2000). Another on my Sam Raimi list and one I had not seen before. This one stars Cate Blanchett, Katie Holmes, Keanu Reeves, Greg Kinnear, Hilary Swank, and Giovanni Ribisi so it's got a pretty stellar cast.

The story focuses on Blanchett's character who has ESP. She basically a fortune teller but can see what has happened in the past as well. A woman goes missing and the police department come to her for help.

I will start by saying that yes, I enjoyed the film. The reason I'm starting there is I'm going to seem overly critical for a minute. My biggest problem with the film is they have a big reveal later in the film but I figured it out from the beginning so it wasn't a surprise. There was an extra reveal which I sorta saw coming, but in a different way. The thing is, if you're paying attention, it's not that hard to spot yet they treat the viewer like they could not possibly have a clue about it which makes the film drag a bit.

Other than that, there are some hints at Raimi's style here and there. I could feel his directing coming through loud and clear. Another very different film for him which I give him props for.

Yes, I'll recommend this film but maybe daydream a bit here and there so you don't see what I saw and figure it out too soon.

P.S. A guest starring role for Katie Holmes boobs.
