Jackass 4.5 (2022)

Today's movie of the day = Jackass 4.5. it was just released on Netflix yesterday.

It's like the other 1/2 films in that it contains some of the extra scenes that didn't quite make it into Jackass Forever coupled with interviews and behind-the-scenes stuff.

Still funny. I always put up the recognition that usually I don't go for the lowbrow humor but I can't help myself when it comes to watching these guys. Their camaraderie and friendships come across which makes everything even funnier.

They really screw with Dark Shark at the end. I felt for him!

One word to sum up this one, however? Sashimi. 🤮

Yes, I'll recommend it. Just be aware, of you're easily offended, why are you even looking at this review!? :)
