El Camino (2019)

Today's movie of the day = El Camino. I've seen it before but since Lisa just finished watching Breaking Bad with me we had to watch it before starting Better Call Saul. The good thing for her is that she didn't have to wait six years for closure on Jesse's character (unlike me).

It is a good wrap up for him. It's not flashy or fast-paced but it does exactly what it needed to, give that closure. It was kinda funny though as they didn't hide the aging on Aaron Paul or Jesse Plemmons. It didn't matter in the big picture but it was funny seeing Todd with a few extra pounds.

The story follows Jesse as he is attempting to flee to Alaska. There are steps involved, flashbacks, and more. My favorite thing is that we get to see Badger and Skinny Pete one last time.

Good stuff. Of course I'll recommend it after Breaking Bad. What's not to like?
