Don't Breathe 2 (2021)

Today's movie of the day = Don't Breathe 2.




I enjoyed the first film. It was unique and even though I had to suspend disbelief on a few things, the story and characters were interesting. It was a pleasant surprise.

This new one, on the other hand, was a steaming pile of 💩. I want to swear about how bad it was. I actually feel stupider for watching it!

I barreled through it. At the 45-minute mark I started watching the clock and wondering how much longer I had to go. Then it just got worse...and worse...a worse. My eyes can only roll out of my head so many times.

I'd have preferred to have watched this one both blind and deaf! It might have been tolerable at that point.

How can a franchise that started out pretty strong immediately fall into chaos and ruin? Did a two-year old write this script?

If you couldn't tell, I'm definitely NOT going to recommend this piece of 💩. I don't give half-star ratings often but this one deserves it.
