Station Eleven Limited Series Review

Station Eleven Limited Series Review

We finished up Station Eleven yesterday. I liked it more than my wife did but we both took something from it.

The story is about a post-pandemic world in which the disease wipes out 999/1,000 people and is a very fast spreading and deadly one. The story follows several different groups of people, one of the main ones being a traveling acting troupe who perform Shakespeare. They go around in a circle and are never in one place for two long. The circle takes a year to get through.

The main character is a girl/woman named Kiersten. It focuses heavily on her as she has a graphic novel titled Station Eleven. There is somewhat of a mystery behind it.

The story is not quite your typical dystopian world. Instead it focuses more on the here and now rather than the past. This is purposeful and results in a very different kind of story.

I got some LOST vibes from it as they go back and forth from the past to the current, giving us glimpses of different characters in both timelines.

I enjoyed it. I did need some clarification after watching the final episode but once I dug deeper I had a greater appreciation for what it was. I am also glad on how they wrapped it up as there really is no need for a continuation of the series.

Yes, I'll recommend the series. It does get a little weird here and there but my favorite character gets fleshed out in the penultimate episode which makes the finale that much more heartwarming.
