Walkabout (1971)

Today's movie of the day = Walkabout. This one is a Criterion Collection film from 1971.

It's about a teenage girl and a young boy, sister and brother, who end up stranded in the middle of the outback. They have to use their privileged school book knowledge to get them back to the city. Along the way they run into an aboriginie who helps them.

It was a good film but there were a few cinematic decisions made by the director which were just odd. The use of a still capture of certain images just felt out of place. I got the message of the film but these few scenes like this threw off the flow. The good thing is that it wasn't enough to disrupt the film as a whole.

There were moments it had Blue Lagoon vibes as well but that came out nine years later so it's the other way around.

I wasn't 100% sold on one of the final surprise moments in the film.

Overall, yes, I'd recommend it but also know there is a bunch of nudity and the hunting and killing of a range of animals.
