Star Trek Discovery Season Four Review

Star Trek Discovery Season Four Review

I'm still a fan of the show. I still like that it's a serial Star Trek now. That being said, this wasn't the best season. They had a great idea with high stakes but it felt like it went about four or five episodes more than it needed to be to get the point across.

There were some good ideas about patience versus action but they took it to an unnecessary extreme. That, and for some reason this season has so much hokey writing. They would amp up the 'hyper-gizmo' to fix the 'astro -doohickey' thing quite a bit, thinking they were making the geeks happy. Instead, I rolled my eyes and there were several times I chortled because of how cheesy the dialogue was.

Another thing is that they took a beloved character and flipped the script. Don't do that!

One of my biggest complaints is how, after four seasons, I still don't know anything about the majority of the crew. On the main deck there is the Asian guy, the black lady (not the Captain), the blonde girl, the space frog, and the girl with the eye implant. Yes, they mention their names from time to time but they are just occupying space (pun intended). Even the President of the Federation is just...there. In the last three episodes of the season she was there to say 'We're running out of time!'

My other big complaint is that Star Trek doesn't have the nards to really have any sense of doom. They always seem to tie things up with a nice ribbon. I would have loved to have seen them go the way of The Expanse for the season finale but that would be too dark so they kept it light and fluffy.

It's still a fun show but I'm hoping they go in a different direction this coming season. And give the other deck crew something to work with! I love Doug Jones and Tig Notaro (who needs more screen time!) but give the others a chance to become more than props!
