Ride Like a Girl (2019)

Today's movie of the day = Ride Like a Girl. Another in my Australian film marathon. Shocker = another film with Sam Neill. :D

This one was about a family who have ten kids with eight of them going into horse jockeying. The story is focused on the youngest, a girl named Michelle, who lives and breathes jockeying and the Melbourne Cup.

The thing is, people don't believe a woman could ever win the Cup, let alone should be participating in jockeying in the first place. The story is her journey to prove them wrong. Along the way there are plenty of trials and tribulations.

I'm not really big on sports films (aside from a few hockey ones) so I wasn't as into it as I'd hoped. I was more interested in the youngest brother, Stevie's, story. That being said, it's a good family film about grit and defying those who constantly say that you can't do something.

Yes, I'll recommend it. It's on Netflix.

P.S. I still chuckle at how much the Aussies love their sports, particularly the Melbourne Cup.
