Welcome to Woop Woop (1998)

Today's movie of the day = Welcome to Woop Woop. It's another Australian film and this one is directed by the same director of The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert.


That about sums up the story. It was so out there! I got feelings of Popeye, Baz Luhrman, Priscilla, Texas Chainsaw, Carnival of Souls, and a bunch of other stuff. It was so unique and outlandish I couldn't take my eyes off of it. It felt like I was watching a train wreck happening in really time.

The odd thing is, it was also kinda good in its weirdness. There was something about it that kept me interested in the characters. I was never even close to guessing what was coming.

This one is a hard case. On one level, I'll likely never watch it again. On another, it's one of those cult classic type of films that I will remember and refer to in the future.

I am 50/50 split on recommending this one. It's so hard to categorize that it's worth a view just for that. On the other side of the coin, it is SO weird that it will likely not be everyone's cup of tea.

I honestly still don't know what I think about it, good or bad.
