The Nightingale (2018)

Today's movie of the day = The Nightingale. Another Australian film and I can't remember who recommended it to me but it was likely @matt_dyson_

This film was excellent but, man, talk about brutal and difficult material! This one is not for the weak of heart as it had so many parts that are difficult to get through. That being said, the director did a great job of making it an emotionally charged film.

It's hard not to give a synopsis of the film without spoilers but I'll do my best. It focuses on two characters, an Irish woman who was a convict and sent to Australia and an aboriginie who becomes her guide through the northern Australian wilderness. There is also a British lieutenant who is a piece of work, to say the least.

You'll know, within about ten minutes, of you'll be able to stomach the film. Thinking maybe that was the worst of it, uh, continues through much of the story.

I've learned a lot more about how the aboriginies were treated over the past few weeks. I knew some of it beforehand but not the scale of it. I keep saying how humanity can be evil and the stories of yet another civilization being decimated because of the color of their skin is horrible.

Don't say I didn't warn you on the content of this film. That being said, yes, I will recommend it highly. The history of it and the cause of the main character are worth it.
