The Boys (1998)

Today's movie of the day = The Boys (1998). I took a quick break over the long weekend to play the new Horizon Forbidden West game but I'm back to my Australian film marathon.

I don't know if I'm getting bored of Australian films or if I'm on a streak of bad ones but this was another I had problems getting through. It was so slow and ultimately didn't have a point. I really only watched it because Toni Collette was in it and I liked her in Muriel's Wedding so I figured I might like this one.

This one is about a guy that gets out of prison and returns to his mother's house. She takes care of her three adult boys and a couple of their girlfriends.

When I say the film is pointless, that's about it. The prison brother basically makes life miserable for everyone else and ultimately ends up back in prison. That's it.

No, I cannot recommend this one. The weird thing is, between this, Lantana, and Alibrandi, I can't recommend them but they get decent ratings online for some reason. Instead, to me it feels like I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel.
