Rogue (2007)

Today's movie of the day = Rogue (2007). Yet another @matt_dyson_ Australian film recommendation. This one also had John Jarrett (Mick from Wolf Creek) and Stephen Curry (Dale from The Castle) in it. This one was directed by the same guy who did the Wolf Creek films.

The big idea is that a tour boat in the Northern Territories is out on a wildlife tour of saltwater crocodiles. In the process they enter into the territory of a giant crocodile and get stuck on a very small island in the middle of the river with a rising tide. As you may expect, they have to figure out a way to survive.

I'll learned a couple of things about saltwater crocodiles when watching this. They can get to 25' in length and weigh upwards of 4,000 pounds! They are also intelligent and the most aggressive species of crocodiles.

Anyhow, the movie is just the humans doing what they can do survive. Some are smart about it, others aren't.

The special effects were decent. The crocodile, when you finally get to see it in all of its glory, was massive.

Oh, and seeing John Jarratt as as a somewhat pudgy and whiny tourist was so out of context as I've only seen him as Mick. It took me awhile to figure out out was the same actor! Change out sideburns for a mustache and you can fool me, I guess. :)

I'm a sucker for killer crocodile and alligator films so I enjoyed it. Yes, I'll recommend it if you like these kinds of films. Man versus beast!
