Quigley Down Under (1990)

Today's movie of the day= Quigley Down Under. It's been a long time since I've seen this one. Keeping with the Australian theme and then realizing there is very little about Australia outside of having aboriginies as a piece of the story.

This film didn't really know what it wanted to be. Well, but that I mean that it wanted to be a western but with a twist. Thing is, it could have been set anywhere and had the same effect.

I did a little digging to see if Quigley was a real person (he wasn't). However, the one thing I learned was a little about the similarities between Native Americans, Aboriginies, and white settlers. Australia had many of the same issues as the United States in regards to how the indigenous tribes were nearly eradicated. Another piece to the puzzle about how messed up we are as a species.

The big problem was that much of the film was just regurgitated parts of western movies. There was not much on the way of originality even though it wanted to be. Heck, the film was set in Western Australia but only about three people had accents. Everyone else was British, Irish, German, American, etc.

Overall the scenes that made it bearable were those spent with the aboriginies. Everything else felt like a made for TV western special. I do remember seeing this one a long time ago but it doesn't hold up, IMHO.

I'd recommend it if you are bored and looking for a filler film but outside of that this film is easy to skip.
